Exclusive Escapes
by Emerald

Bespoke travel itineraries for the travelers young and young at heart. 
Explore the World.
Discover Yourself!

Why pay for travel planning?

Professional Kno​wlege

The saying goes, 'You don't know what you don't know!' Avoid unpleasant surprises or finding out you missed a hidden gem. As a well-travelled expat and travel agent, I hold a plethera of knowledge to send your vaction to the next level! 

Save Time

What if I told you the 10-hour task you need to complete, c​ould be outsourced to a professional for as little as $25? Well, it's me. I'm said professional!

Save Money

Having professional guidance for flights, hotels and activities will save you money in and of itself. As an agent, I also have access to travel discounts and payment plans.

Contact Us


(469) 706-9706